18 years at SMS 2 children at SMS (8th,5rd)
3 graduates of SMS (2017,2018,2020)
rich.hadden@wright.edu Home: (937) 547-9033
Our family has had children in St. Mary’s School for over a decade. We believe in the strong faith formation that is given at St. Mary’s School. The faculty are exceptionally dedicated and go above and beyond for their students. The academic education is superior. Our children were well prepared for high school and fit in nicely when they transition to high school. Our son Chris participated in extra curricular activities and it helped his transition. Specifically, Chris ran cross country for 2 seasons and track for 1 season. Our family is exceptionally involved in volunteering at St. Mary’s. Rich teaches computer class 1 morning per week for grades 5-8. Amy is the school secretary and runs the SCRIP fundraising program. Rich also takes care of the technology for all of the school and the 8th grade class trip. If you have any questions about the school or the happenings, we’d be happy to talk with you anytime!