St. Mary's School: Lay Advisory Board

Lay Advisory Board
The Board meets at St. Mary’s School 7pm on the 4th Monday of each month.
The Body of Christ is to act in mutual communion in the furthering of the salvific work of the Church. The mission of furthering the Church is both the responsibility of the pastor and of the laity who work together to realize this noble task. To assist in the work of the Church, our Parish will have a Lay Advisory Board that will be concerned with the spiritual, pastoral, educational, financial and social needs of our Parish and school.
The members of the Lay Advisory Board will consist of lay persons who shall represent both genders, the various ministries of the Parish and various age groups.
Those nominated to the Lay Advisory Board are to be:
Parishioners recommended for the board must be approved by the Parish Priest.
Parishioners shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older
Parishioners must be Catholics in good standing.
Members of the board cannot be employees of St. Mary’s School or St. Mary’s Parish.
Members shall also have special expertise to contribute to the operations of St. Mary’s School, including, but not limited to administration, fundraising, marketing, finance, community involvement, knowledge of parish life, and community leadership. All members of the Board shall sign and follow any Code of Ethics that the Board may adopt from time to time.
The purpose of the Board shall be to act as an advisory board to the principal and parish priest. The Board’s primary responsibility is to advise the principal and the parish priest on matters for the effective governance of the St. Mary’s School.
The pastor is a voting member of the Lay Advisory Board.