Announcements 3/14/25
>>>Today is Elijah Wieser's birthday! Be sure to wish him a happy birthday when you see him.
>>> Come out to the St. Mary's St. Patrick's Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, March 16th! All proceeds go to supporting our 8th Grade Class Trip to New Orleans!
>>> March School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, March 17th at 7pm. The meeting will be held in Mrs. KP's religion room.
>>> 5th - 8th Grade parents please complete the field trip permission slip found on the APP for next weeks field trip to Memorial Hall.

Monday will be Spring Picture day. Students can be out of uniform for picture day.
It is now time to order yearbooks. All orders need to be placed online at orders.langephotographics.com You will use code QXBX7WXY for St. Mary's. Yearbooks are $16.00 and can only be ordered during the month of March.
Please keep former alumni, Andrew Winner in your thoughts and prayers as he will be competing at the state level in wrestling tomorrow. Go Andrew!!
St. Mary's is looking for substitute teachers . If you or someone you know would be interested, please contact the school office.

Join us tomorrow night at the K of C hall for Winner's hamburger and hotdogs with fries baskets, and for your chance to win the $3,000. If you have a dessert to share please drop it off at the school tomorrow. If you haven't done so already and need a ticket call the office.

We will be on a 2 hour delay Thursday, February 20th.

Announcements 2/12/25
>>> Parent Teacher conferences are tomorrow.
>>> In addition to jeans day tomorrow, students will be able to wear read or Valentines day themed clothing for their Valentine's Day Parties.
>>> There will be no school on Friday, 2/14 and Monday 2/17.
>>> Earlier today, Pope Francis announced that he has accepted the retirement/resignation of Archbishop Schnurr from pastoral governance of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and has appointed Reverend Robert G. Casey, Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Chicago, to be the 11th Archbishop of our archdiocese. Please continue to keep Archbishop Schnurr, our new Archbishop Casey, and our Archdiocese in your prayers as we continue to preach the Gospel!

Announcements Friday, February 7th:
There is no school on Monday, Feb. 10th. Enjoy the 3 day weekend.
Tuesday there will be rosary club after school.
Thursday will be Valentine's parties for grades k-4. After school there will be p-t conferences by appointment only. Call the office if you would like to schedule a conference.
There will be no school on the 14th or 17th.
7th & 8th grade there is a neon dance party at Greenville Middle school on the 14th . Cost is $5 and you are welcome to attend. A flyer will go home today with details.
Join me in praying for Veteran's .

Update - After consulting with the chief of Greenville police, St. Mary's will be closed today. Enjoy the day off!

St. Mary's is on a 2 hour delay, Thursday February 6th.

Announcements 2/5/25
>>> Looking for a gift for Confirmation, First Communion, Baptism, or Birthday? Rosary Altar Society will be selling religious items today after school in the cafeteria! RAS is only able to accept cash or check.
>>> Reminder that there will be no school on Monday Feb. 10th.
>>> Happy Birthday to Josie Brewer! Be sure to wish Josie a Happy Birthday when you see her!

Announcements 2/4/25
>>> With the last diagnostic tests being completed, the for families report of test results will be distributed by the end of the week.
>>> Rosary Club will meet after school today.
>>> There will be religious items for sale by the Rosary Altar Society after school in the cafeteria. The will have a number of items which may make wonderful Confirmation or First Communion gifts!

Reminder that students and their special person will need to check in to their classroom before heading over to mass for attendance. Tomorrow is Buddy Bingo and Movie with Popcorn!
Also, as a reminder, tomorrow is the last day submit registration forms before the registration fee increases to $150 and Open Enrollment begins.

Announcements 1/29/25
>>> 1st and 2nd grades will lead the school in Pledge and Prayer today.
>>> Today's dress theme is Future Professions Day
>>> We will ring Bells at 2 pm in solidarity with Catholic Schools around the US.
>>> Lunch with parents or Grandparents with last names beginning with K-Z will be today. Parents and Grandparents with last names beginning with A-J will be joining us tomorrow. After Lunch there will be an all-school recess.
>>> Friday is the last day to turn in registration for the 25-26 SY before the registration fee increases.

Announcements January 28th:
* There will be no keyboarding today.
*It is Idiom's Day. The spelling bee will begin at 9 and DAR will be here for their presentation at 1:00.
*Tomorrow is Future Profession Day and lunch with parents/ grandparents with the last name K-Z.
At this time please gather outside the office as the 3rd/ 4th grade lead us in prayer and the pledge.

Tomorrow, Jan. 21st, St. Mary's School will be operating under a 2 hr delay.. Also, there will be no GCS bussing tomorrow.

Announcements 1/17/25
>>> There will be no school on Monday. Jan. 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
>>> There will be no GCS bussing on Tuesday Jan. 21st
>>> Winter Testing will begin on Wed. Jan. 22nd. Students, be sure to get a good night sleep before hand and to eat breakfast.
>>> Science Fair will be held next Friday, Jan. 24th!
>>> Please wish a happy birthday to Sofia Miller and a happy half birthday to Ella Whitmer and Iliana Cade!

Announcements 1/16/2025:
There will be a visitor touring the school please say hello if you see them.
Tomorrow is the end of the 2nd quarter.
There is no school on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. day!
Tuesday, we do have school ,however there is no bussing that day.
Winter testing will be held next Wednesday and Thursday.
Happy 1/2 Birthday to the following students: Warner Spencer, Travis Combs, and Swayze Edger.
Please join me in the prayer for vocations.

Announcements 1/15/25
>>> The Lehman Limelighters will be visiting and performing for St. Mary's today at 9:30.
>>> Friday is the end of the 2nd quarter.
>>>There is no school on Monday, January 20th and there will be no GCS bussing on Tuesday, Jan. 21st.
>>> Please wish Mr. Lewis and Alison Jones a happy birthday, whose birthdays were yesterday Jan. 14th and be sure to wish Stella Elliott a happy 1/2 birthday, whose 1/2 birthday was also yesterday!
>>> Please wish Klaira Brewer a happy birthday today when you see her!
>>> Reminder that priority registration for current families are due. Registration fees will increase beginning Feb. 1 st and open enrollment will begin. If you need a new registration form, please contact the office.

Reminder that there will be a FACTS Scholarship Application Night tonight at 6pm in the cafeteria to assist parents completion of the FACTS application. The FACTS application is required for Catholic Education Fund Scholarships through the Archdiocese and has a Feb. 16th deadline. Those who are 750% or below the Federal Poverty line should complete the FACTS application and Pre-K students are eligible for this scholarship. There will be no fee incurred by the family for the completion of this application.

Announcements 1/13/25
>>>There is no school tomorrow, Tuesday January , 14th for a teacher in-service day.
>>> There will be a FACTS Scholarship application night tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 7th at 6pm in the cafeteria. Individuals who are 750% or below the Federal Poverty line are eligible for Archdiocesan Scholarships which require the FACTS application. These scholarships are also open to pre-k students and there is no charge to families to complete the application.
>>> The Lehman Limelighters will be visiting and performing on Wednesday.
>>>Friday is the last day of the 2nd Quarter.
>> We had a number of 1/2 birthdays over the weekend. Saturday was Keagan Schmidt's and Rhea Spencer's half-birthday and Sunday was Alyssa Hadden's and James Staas birthday! Be sure to wish them a happy half birthday when you see them!

Announcements 1/10/25
>>> There will be no School on Tuesday, Jan. 7th for a teacher in-service day.
>>> There will be a FACTS Scholarship application night this Tuesday, Jan. 7th at 6pm in the cafeteria. Individuals who are 750% or below the Federal Poverty line are eligible for Archdiocesan Scholarships which require the FACTS application. These scholarships are also open to pre-k students and there is no charge to families to complete the application.
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day
for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world,
for the salvation of souls, the reparation of sins, the reunion of all Christians,
and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month.