Announcements 10/5/2023 Q: Where do cows go on the weekend? A: To the moo-vies. Please welcome Mrs. Waltke who will be subbing for Mrs. McCoy. Youth boys basketball tryouts will be held on Oct. 18th in Greenville Middle School’s gym. 3rd and 4th grade tryouts will be from 6pm-7pm. 5th and 6th grade will be held at 7 pm- 8pm. Chicken Dinner tickets and money are due tomorrow. Students – If you plan on attending the Homecoming game Friday night, you can buy your ticket in the office. Cost is $5.00, tickets at the gate will be $9.00.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements: Wednesday, October 4th The kindergarten class will be going to the Greenville Fire Department this morning. The homecoming parade is tomorrow. Permissions slips Must be turned into the office to ride on the float. The theme is “Home Sweet Home Ohio”. Float participants – parade drop off will be at 5:40, please wear any Ohio team clothing (ex. Bengals, Browns, Reds, St. Mary’s, Greenville). Your parents will need to sign you in and out with Jodi Pierri. If you are donating candy for the parade it can be turned into the office or brought with you that night at drop off. Students – If you plan on attending the Homecoming game Friday night, you can buy your ticket in the office. Cost is $5.00, tickets at the gate will be $9.00. Chicken dinner ticket money and any unsold tickets are due in by Friday!! The 6th graders will leave for Damascus for the faith & science retreat this morning. Please pray for them to have a fun, safe, faith filled learning experience! Teachers: We need someone to cover Mr. Wiedenmann’s duties this morning. Listen carefully: Mrs. Waltke will be here for Mrs. McCoy today. There will be no one in the library! This means 4th grade you will go to Mrs. Kelly-Pressnall’s room during your AR. 7th & 8th grade AR you will need to go see Mrs. Hadden when it’s time for your AR. Mrs. Myers will be here for Miss McEldowney
over 1 year ago, Amy Hadden
Announcements 10/2/2023 Q: What do you call a shoe made from a banana? A: A slipper. The nurse is here today to do vision and hearing screenings for Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, & 7th. The Butterfly class will be going to the Greenville Fire Department this morning. Yesterday was Mrs. McCoy’s Birthday. Happy Birthday Mrs. McCoy! The homecoming parade is Thursday, October 5th. Permissions slips Must be turned into the office to ride on the float. The theme is “Home Sweet Home Ohio”. Float participants – parade drop off will be at 5:40, please wear any Ohio team clothing (ex. Bengals, Browns, Reds, St. Mary’s, Greenville). Your parents will need to sign you in and out with Jodi Pierri. If you are donating candy for the parade it can be turned into the office or brought with you that night at drop off. Students – If you plan on attending the Homecoming game Friday night, you can buy your ticket in the office. Cost is $5.00, tickets at the gate will be $9.00. Chicken dinner ticket money and any unsold tickets are due in by Friday!! The 6th graders will leave for Damascus for the faith & science retreat on Wednesday. 6th graders you must have all permission slips turned in to attend.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements: 9/29/2023 Chicken dinner tickets are due in Friday, Oct. 6th. There are permission slips on the app that must be completed! The homecoming parade is Thursday, Oct. 5th. The theme is "Home Sweet Home Ohio", please wear anything Ohio (ex. Reds, Bengals, Browns, Greenville, St. Mary's). If you can help with this event please contact Jodi Pierri. There is a permission slip on the app that will need to be completed for your children to ride on the float. The nurse will be here on Monday to do vision and hearing screenings for students in kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, & 7th grade. Please welcome Mr. Hadden in the building today for Mrs. Myers.
over 1 year ago, Amy Hadden
Announcements 9/28/23 Q: Why did the robber take a shower? A: Because he wanted to make a clean getaway The oct. 17th Chicken Dinner tickets are still for sale! All money and non-sold tickets are due to the office by Friday Oct. 6th. Teachers, you will briefly meet with your cohort on Thursday after school: Prek-4th will meet in Mrs. Pierri’s room and 5th-8thand Specials will meet in Mrs. KP’s room. Today we will be operating under a 2 hour delay schedule.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
St.Mary's is on a 2 hr delay, Thursday September 28th.
over 1 year ago, Amy Hadden
Announcements 9/26/23 Q: Why couldn’t the pirate play cards? A: Because he was always on the deck. Teachers, you will briefly meet with your cohort on Thursday after school: Prek-4th will meet in Mrs. Pierri’s room and 5th-8thand Specials will meet in Mrs. KP’s room. There will be a School of Faith tomorrow. Students are to arrive at 11:30. Please be sure to eat lunch prior to arrival to school. There will be no Greenville Bussing tomorrow. There is no keyboarding today. Today is Stella Brehm’s birthday! Stella, please come to the office after prayer. Holy Spirit, make my heart open to the word of God, make my heart open to goodness, make my heart open to the beauty of God every day.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
St. Mary's will be operating on a 2 hour delay today, Tuesday, September 26th.
over 1 year ago, Amy Hadden
Good Afternoon! The Phone lines are back up and working again.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Good Morning, Our phone Lines are currently down. We have been in contact with the phone company and are working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience and we will send an announcement when the phones are back up.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 9/22/23 Parents, if you would like to help decorate the St. Mary’s Float for the Greenville Homecoming Parade or would like to help the night of the parade, please contact Jodi Pierri. There will be a School of Faith next Wednesday, Sept. 27th. Students are to arrive at 11:30. Please be sure to eat lunch prior to arrival to school. Parents, please be sure to complete the field trip permission slips which pertain to your children found on forms in the APP Lord God, bestow a full measure of your grace on us who are gathered here in prayer. As you work within us to keep us in the path of your commandments, may we receive consolation in this present life and eternal joys in the next. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 9/21/23 Q: What do you give a sick lemon? A: Lemon-aid. There will be a School of Faith next Wednesday, Sept. 27th. Students are to arrive at 11:30. Please be sure to eat lunch prior to arrival to school. Parents, in regard to pick up and drop off: reminder that driving up to the front door during drop off is only permitted when it is raining. Please drop your students off using the alley or dropping off at the sidewalk by the street. Parents, please be sure to complete the field trip permission slips which pertain to your children found on forms in the APP Lord, you showed your great mercy to Matthew the tax-gatherer by calling him to become your apostle. Supported by his prayer and example, may we always answer your call and live in close union with you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 9/19/23 Q: Why did the horse chew with his mouth open? A: Because he had bad stable manners. Parents, please check your phone that the school app settings is set to receive push notifications. Chicken Dinner tickets were sent home yesterday, please do your best to sell them all. If you need more tickets you can get them in the office. Parents, in regards to pick up and drop off: reminder that driving up to the front door during drop off is only permitted when it is raining. Please drop your students off using the alley or dropping off at the sidewalk by the street. Parents, please be sure to complete the field trip permission slips which pertain to your children found on forms in the APP O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, for the salvation of souls, the reparation of sins, the reunion of all Christians, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month. Amen.
over 1 year ago, Amy Hadden
Announcements 9/15/23 Q: Which vegetable should you never invite on a boat trip? A: A leek. Parents, please check your phone that the school app settings is set to receive push notifications. Picture Day is Monday. You may be out of uniform within the guidelines of the out of uniform policy. Example being no sweats. God our Father, when Jesus, your Son, was raised up on the cross, it was your will that Mary, his mother, should stand there and suffer with him in her heart. Grant that, in union with her, the Church may share in the passion of Christ, and so be brought to the glory of his resurrection. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 9/14/23 Q: Which school supply is king of the classroom? A: The ruler. Teachers, the schedule for bus safety is as follows: Kindergarten: 9-9:45 1st/2nd: 9:45 - 10:30 3rd: 10:30- 11:15 Parents, please check your phone that the school app settings is set to receive push notifications. Picture Day is Monday. You may be out of uniform within the guidelines of the out of uniform policy. Example being no sweats. God our Father, in obedience to your will your Only-Begotten Son endured the cross for our salvation. Grant that as we have come to know the mystery of the cross here on earth, we may receive its rewards in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 9/13/23 Q: Why was the math book always worried? A: Because it had so many problems. There is a staff meeting today after school. Picture Day is Monday! Lord God, strength of those who hope in you, by your will Saint John Chrysostom became renowned in the Church for his astounding eloquence and his forbearance in persecution. Grant that we may be enriched by his teaching and encouraged by the example of his unconquerable fortitude. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 9/12/23 Q: What has two legs but can’t walk? A: A pair of pants. Kate Zwiesler’s Birthday was on Sunday! Be sure to wish her a happy belated birthday and Kate please come to the office after prayer. There will be a staff meeting tomorrow after school. Next Monday is picture day. Be sure to show up looking your best! Almighty God, to whom this world with all its goodness and beauty belongs, give us grace joyfully to begin this day in your name and to fill it with an active love for you and our neighbour. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 9/1/23 Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A: A stick. There will be no school on Monday Sept. 4th in observance of Labor Day. Mr. Wiedenmann will be out of the building on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week for meetings in Cincinnati. Please email him if you have any questions. If you have not signed up for the App, please do so at your earliest convenience. Reminder to complete and return all forms sent home on Tuesday to the office. Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you. Through your cross and resurrection you offer freedom and hope to those ready to receive them. Lord, show us your loving-kindness.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 8/30/23 Q: What has four wheels and flies? A: A Garbage truck. Parents, you should have received a very important envelope of forms yesterday, which will need to be completed in full and returned to the office. The school handbook is available to read on both the school app and the website. Parents, be sure to sign up for the new St. Mary’s App. If you did not receive an email with instructions on how to download the app, contact the office to update your email address. Lord, as a new day dawns send the radiance of your light to shine in our hearts. Make us true to your teaching; keep us free from error and sin. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann
Announcements 8/29/23 Q: What do you get when you throw a lot of books into the ocean? A: A title wave. Welcome Back to School! Its wonderful to see everyone's smiling faces and we would like to introduce a few new faces to the St. Mary's Family! Beginning with Teachers, please welcome Mrs. Kilbane who is our Kindergarten teacher, Miss McEldowney who is our 1st and 2nd grade teacher, and also Mrs. Wiedenmann who is our upper grade math and science teacher. Please also welcome our Kindergarten class and the following new students: Sofia Miller - 1st Grade Meeka Conley - 2nd Grade Serena Wagner - 4th Grade Ellyott Wagner -6th Grade Be sure to get your milk and Juice tickets from the office. Teachers this is a reminder that bus riders will leave 15 minutes earlier today. We wish everyone a year full of blessings and growth as we strive to seek and serve the Lord all the days of our life! O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, sufferings of this day, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart; the salvation of souls, the reparation for sin, the reunion of all Christians; I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all members of the Apostleship of Prayer, and in particular for the intention recommended by the Holy Father this month.[6]
over 1 year ago, Tim Wiedenmann